Structure And Functions of The Council



Establishment of the Council (SURCON)

There is hereby establishment of a body to be known as the Surveyors Council of Nigeria (hereafter in the Decree referred to as “the Council”).

The Council shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.

Membership of the Council

Subject to the provision of the decree enacted for the establishment of SURCON as enshrined in the enabling Act, the Council shall consist of a President who shall be a surveyor to be appointed by the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Force and the following other Members:

i. 5 persons to be appointed by the President, commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of whom at least one shall be the Surveyor-General of the federation and the others from other interests in the field of Surveying (including the Armed Forces)

ii. 36 Surveyors General representing each State of the Federation and for Abuja

iii. 12 members representing the Nigerian Institution of Surveyors

iv. 4 other persons representing accredited tertiary institutions of training in Survey and Geoinformatics in Nigeria.